sometimes I disgusted of sex, why those people always talk about it as they are talking about something extraordinary ?! the sex is just instinct and it's doesn't worth all this talk ! I say enough, there are a lot of things worth our meditation and philosophy, the people who claim to be free see that the sex is a first thing must be a detached, as if the sex wasn't detaches someday ! the reactionaries are afraid the sex as if it's some ghost, and at the same time they are obsessed with it... hey people! the sex is a natural thing no more, sometimes you can fuck, sometimes I can fuck, sometimes all we can get the fuck, but not everyday, the life is so short, we must do everything sometimes if we want to do everything!
this is some scribble:
some minutes of memory,
I want body, I want love...
and in this street, I want more of burning rain
I want perfume, I want Oud
I want courtyard where the white storks have meeting around its fountain
from the depths of my heart, I can say sorry !
and when the time is sunset,I want to see a dove
holds my words toward my princess's cloud...
this feeling fills me with love and longing
that narrow long alley, that the old windows spread in its edges
and the stairs of houses too
I climb up this stair, and get off of that, I continue to play...
like any angel was flying...
the sister and me, we were racing, and hiding among hedges
sometimes we were eating our cookies,
other times we were mimicking the sound of coo
we were brawling with each other,
then we were forgetting and going far away
we didn't tire, the memory still filling me with peace
that alley was telling us about new house news
that we will see in it some people like dews
that we will eat in it some candy like the moon's face
that we will play between its walls the hidden game
and some sweet melody flowing between the doors
it was stealing our minutes
the night has come quickly holds the stars flame
it was holding us on the stories wing
my grandmother was making us forget all the boors
with her stories, I still hear them such as ring
and we sleep a long time until the morning
away from the bustle of facts...
I dig in the memory graves, I find myself among the ally
I burned the stages, when I was looking for that sects
now I'm looking in its folds for harlot body
who can burn my ribs slowly
actually who can dives between my ribs and my affects
for some time, I spat on me
before that I recover my trust
this is the life, like playing, like sex, like smoking
don't put many questions
don't thing
you must be looking for another pleasure minute
between the minutes...