I'm broke but this is not problem, the serious problem is that my mother knew that I take money by stealth, anyway I hope that she will forget with the days, the situation is bad currently because the money is little, when will the situation come back to its natural case ? after days ? I wish so, but generally how long will you keep waiting for the natural cases ? don't think about it, just wait and learn your language. that what you can do poor Simo, and you must convince the 20 DH until cases improve.
something else, keep you little money onto your portfolio, don't invite anyone to the cafe, don't forget the situation is bad, each one paying the prise of his coffee. you're broke and poor, and unemployed, smoke your cigarettes, drink your coffee, only. until conditions improve, but I think this is important lesson for you, even you learn how to save. buy some clothes for you, of the saving money of course.
the life is so hard, and no body will help you when you was drowning, this is Morocco no other country, the folk like wolves, but they pretend the role of ewes. how many times did they trick you ? don't you learn ? there are no friends, no brothers, no body, just you and 3 other friends. the health, the money, and the book. try to learn, even love is hateful trick, for any love you talking about ? that drained your pocket? or that made your night like the morning? wake up bro, there is no love too. only one case, when you become rich you can love as you like. then nobody will dare to blame you.
be continued...
Hi mohamed
RépondreSupprimeri see you presentation ! i have to answer you mr moh
i am so so sorry but you will never and ever make that on your minde that you can live forever !
The serious problem is that you have money but you cannot be happy !